Hi, I’m Katrina,

I discovered Kinesiology when I was at a crossroads, struggling within myself, my identity and unsure of where my future would take me. Does this sound familiar?

Ready to take back your power and reclaim you?

Kinesiology transformed my life and it can transform yours too!

Grounded earth

I started to see a Kinesiologist and experienced a significant change in my mindset and physical health. This brought me back to my true aligned self and this is where Grounded Earth Kinesiology was born.


Kinesiologists believed that at some deep level, your body knows exactly what it needs to be healthy.

make an appointment

I’d love to help you make significant changes to your mindset and physical health.

Are you ready to put yourself first?

  • Are you willing to put in the effort and energy and make a commitment to changing your life for the better?

  • Are you focused on your self-development and know that nothing is a quick fix?

  • Are you ready to take control of your life and uncover what is blocking you and keeping you in this pattern?

    If you answered yes to all of these,

    I’m ready to work with you!

    Together we will uncover what’s holding you back from being your true aligned self.

    Have Questions?

    You can also Book a complimentary 20 minute chat on my Book Now page.